my corner of the world

By Vic

Wild Harvey

Been a good day for achieving things that needed to be achieved and ended with a chill and a laugh with friends. A good day for sorting and getting ready. Mowed! Washed! Hoovered! Shopped!

Jaden has been to swimming club and Jasmine helped at a charity carnival/summer fair. They then played out lovely together this afternoon (which is rare). Only a few tears 'cos of their rough and tumble.

We went to feed a friend's animals -the hens, cat and rabbits. John has fallen out with the rabbits as the succeeded in burrowing out and he spent an hour chasing then to put them back in. Fast things they are. He had to get in with the hens to round them up into their house to keep safe from Mr. Fox.

Then there's Harvey who has been missing the last 2 nights living it up. He came back tonight for food. He's practically wild and it was VERY difficult to get a shot of him as he's VERY fast so out of focus but still a cutie I think????!!!!

After that we met up with our friend who are soon to be married -Andy and Marcella. We are getting excited about it as it's next weekend. Ended the day laughing.

It's our wedding anniversary today -17 years married and 21 years together! He truly is my other half and together we are complete. Love you lots John (aka Wildthingsma )

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