
By ausmossie

The Culprit

This is a lighter that a friend gave me as a going away gift when I left Harbin. I made a special effort for the pic. I lit three candles for side lighting and lay on the floor to take the pic. But here is the story behind the "Culprit" tag.

I wanted to visit Harbin to surprise my friend Nick at his going away party. Only a few people knew I was coming. It begins here...

At my school.
"How long does it take to get to the airport by taxi?"
"One hour"
"How much should it cost?" (because foreigners get ripped off on such journeys)
"80 yuan. No more"
One hour to the airport. Plane leaves at 10:35pm. Leave 8:30 and I will be fine.

The Taxi
"Only 80 yuan buddy. No more"
I am feeling pretty proud of my negotiation skills after that little coup.

To the airport
25 minutes and 47 yuan on the meter.
Negotiating upwards... my favourite.

Check in counter
"I am sorry sir. Your plane is delayed one hour"
"Thank you. That makes me very happy"
My one hour at the airport has now become two and half.

Security check
"I am sorry sir. You can't take this on the plane. (the culprit). You have to check it.
"Why thank you. How can I do that?"
"Just go back to the check in counter."
I really want to keep the lighter. A friend gave it to me. So I am escorted back to the check in desk.

Check in counter #2
"I am sorry sir. You can't check that in. It's too small"
"Oh? really? What can I do?"
"You can go to that counter over there and buy a box"
"Thank you. See you soon"
I head to the box buying counter fully primed to buy the largest box in the airport.

Box buying counter
"Hello! Hellooooo" I say to the completely empty box buying counter.
Back to the check in counter for me.

Check in counter #3
"There is no one at the box buying counter. What can I do?"
"Oh really? (fully knwoing there wasn't anyone there) You can buy one of these huge bags for your tiny lighter for 20 yuan"
"Why thank you maam. I would love to buy one of your bags."
Let's just go and see what security has for me this time.

Security check #2
"But I didn't set off the beeper. Why are you touching me like that?"
Hmmm wonder why they didn't ask me about the second lighter I had in my bag? Maybe because it's a cheap looking plastic one.

Harbin (ready to surprise Nick) - Bar called Box.
"Maaaaaaaaaan it's soooooooo good to see you. What a surprise FOR YOU!! NICK WAS REALLY REALLY SICK AND WENT HOME EARLY"
As my dear old mum used to say. "The best laid plans of mice and men..."

I did get to see Nick before I left Harbin. So the trip was worth it.. and it ended up being a good story.. Although.. not at the time.

See ya mate. GOOD LUCK!!

PS. I used the lighter twice before it ran out of gas.

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