Food Porn

By FoodPorn

Strawberry Jam Forever.

I had a rather pleasant start to the day. When I checked my email I discovered that I had received an message from Nigel Slater the great cook and writer. I had dropped him a note to say how much we enjoyed his recipe for courgettes and tomatoes and lo and behold he came straight back thanking me and telling me how his vegetable garden was doing. (Good courgettes but very late tomatoes). How nice of him......

....and tonight I was met with the beautiful smell of strawberry jam filling the house and as you can see BB's been busy making gallons of it. So lot's of summery fun for us this winter.

Vegetable Pie (fresh from the freezer) with allotment broad beans a new potatoes.


Weetabix and banana

Fake sausage sandwich

In between
Biscuit and a banana

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