An Invincible Summer.....

By TheFlipFlopper

To you.....the rioter.....

I was busy most of the day today and the monsoon like showers scattered throughout the afternoon prevented me from taking any worth while is 23:48 right now and I hear that the riots have reached a high street really very close to me and all I could think of was to send these thugs a message.....

On the news an hour ago the news reader said that a woman had contacted her and said that she agreed with all the violence because "the police are racist", I wont disagree with you there, but please, do not embarrass yourself by trying to justify all this violent behaviour. There is never any justification for looting; destroying peoples homes; burning businesses and attacking innocent people with bricks while they sit on the bus!! So to this lady, I also flip you the finger.

Now yesterday I had to work all day so had no chance to take a pictue to post.....the pressure was on as I felt that my first post had come to me so easily and effortlessly.....but as I walked home at 9pm I saw a butterfly resting on a shop window! I knew that it would've been the perfect second post, but before I could capture it's orange and black wings, it fluttered away. It's beauty would have expressed the lovely evening that I had just had.....

and today's picture.....I apologise for it's crudness; it's lack of artistry or imagination, but like my missed photo from yesterday, it truly represents what I feel right now.

Stay safe

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