
...turn off cell, say yes to the labeled water (thanks), smile, give a firm hand shake, make eye contact and don't let them see you sweat.

I wore a suit, I was over dressed. I told her the email said 'Formal Interview'. She said that the scheduler must have said that to scare people. I told her it worked cause "I am in a suit'. And she laughed. It seems pretty straight forward, young, fun and no two days are exactly like the next. That is something I did enjoy about teaching preschool, that and the snacks! ;)

One down, next I met with her 2 bosses. Well one boss and one she calls her boss. Digitaria Interactive....This place is legit! We will see where it goes. If it is suppose to go and I am suppose to be there. Deep breath and release. I am smiling!

My girl and her Trav are coming home tonight. Gonna go to the airport and get them soon!

Happy Monday~

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