Rotting and paper

8:30am and walking in to work after an in-expected lift most of the way from a neighbour. Which was nice.

I was going to post a picture of the street, the light reflections across the glass building at the end of the road. Then I saw this poster.

In light of the lamentable events in parts of England in recent days, this poster takes on new meaning.

Is it about who can do the most damage?

Is it the best rioter from each location facing off against each other?

Is it about who can remain calmer the longest?

Is it who can have the best street party without having to rampage and loot?

While there are a great many reasons why things are going a bit daft, and injustice stinks no matter the cause or perpetrators, surely violence isn't the answer. Surely damaging property isn't going to help anyone get out of poverty. Or being back people or society from the dead.

Quote of the day:

"The limitation? of riots, moral questions aside, is that they cannot win and their participan?ts know it. Hence, rioting is not revolution?ary but reactionar?y because it invites defeat. It involves an emotional catharsis,? but it must be followed by a sense of futility."?

Martin Luther King, Jr

(thank you Neil Alton for sharing it)

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