An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Blip Challenge - Homemade

Ding Dong the tooth is gone! :))))))))))))

As if getting up and going to the dentist to have a tooth extracted first thing wasn't a bad enough start to the day, I also discovered just as I was due to leave the house, that darling hubby had mislaid my car key that he borrowed at the weekend. Absolutely no sign of it anywhere or in any of the places he suggested when he phoned me in answer to my rather abusive text!!!

And given that he was already at work 60 miles away, borrowing the spare that he keeps just wasn't an option! (Please don'[t ask why he needed both keys at the weekend. You will die of boredom if I have to tell you!) So nothing else for it, taxi called and I was on my way only 5 minutes late. For those of you who hate dental stories (and I'm one of you) I won't go into detail but suffice to say I was a very brave girl and I'm still speaking to my lovely dentist. :))) Very relieved the tooth is out and so far only needed one lot of painkillers. Have also managed to eat a soft sarnie and some strawberries and ice cream so all good! And many many thanks owed to H & A, two of the most wonderful work colleagues and friends a girl could ever hope to have (and my blip stalkers! :)) who have taxied me around for the rest of the day! Thank you, you pair of [s]gin-soaked, unfit mothers[/s] lovelies :)) xxx

Oh and had a text from hubby saying he's had his wedding ring cut off and will be late home. Hope that's not in connection with the abusive text I sent him earlier! LOL!

Off now to find something mushy to have for dinner.....sherry trifle??? :)))

Oh, nearly forgot...todays blip challenge pic is an abstract picture I made for our spare bedroom (taken at a jaunty angle to try and inject some life to it!) Boring I know but the only home made thing I could muster after the stress of this morning! :)

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