Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Over the moon...

and feeling the love. Thanks for stopping by on yesterdays blip and humble thanks for the hearts and stars. It was a lucky shot - I was just in the right place at the right time. What I didn't tell you was that I had only about 10 mins there as I had to go to a meeting and wasted time before I saw the lightning. Silly me thought some other blipper was using a flash. I got about 8 shots in all and only two didn't have lightning. The one I posted was the best of the lot. Not to mention having to stand at the edge of the ocean baths and getting the last bits of the dog poo on my work shoes washed off by the incoming waves and waving my hands around madly fighting off some midges or other insects that were determined to self destruct on my head trying not to knock the tripod over. Must have looked a sight!

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