Just Netty

By netty

A bit of me.....

On way way home from the osteopaths I stopped off at Dartington hall. I do forget sometimes that I have this beautiful, peaceful and historic treasure just at my door step! I took lots of arty pictures, which the place lends itself to, but this was on the wall in the vast gardens and I just liked the words.

This place is a bit of me really. Coming from a musical background where I grew up in rehearsal halls listening to brass bands, orchestras, playing the piano, singing and of cause dancing my first love and passion, which I am still doing now. Walking onto the grounds of this magical place instantly relaxes and inspires me, because through the open windows I heard a pianist, violinist, singing, saw art, sculptures, just a senses overload.

At the moment the summer school is going on so it was busy with artists and arty folk having deep and meaningful conversations about their interpretation of what they have just heard or seen, over a glass of wine. Me, I just like to look and listen and not try and find the hidden meaning of anything.

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