
By Juli

Sir Hedgebert McPricklesworth

Spent a couple of evenings recently trying unsuccessfully to get a shot of the hedgehog that's been scuttling around in the bushes by our patio. Then, a few days ago, I found a hedgehog skin - minus innards - at the bottom of the garden. Unfortunately, prickles are no defence against a hungry fox.

Would you believe it, I was walking past the back door a little while ago (wondering whether my bubble bath would do for a blip) and a brown blob on the lawn caught my eye. I don't hold out much hope for his chances - they are lovely but far too docile for their own good.

My little boy is making a much speedier recovery than he predicted, going from 'really, really, really sick' to 'a lot better' in only 24 hours. My daughter went out for the day with friends so at least she was happy - I think I'm going to go stir-crazy if I don't get out soon!

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