Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Another hospital visit

I have an appointment with the cardiologist next week. I like to get my cholesterol checked in advance of these appointments so progress in that direction can be assessed, so I got my GP to give me a note for the blood test department a while ago, on the understanding that I'd contact him near the time of my appointment and he could book me in. I did that on Friday, and he got back to me to confirm a time of 9:50 today.

Before I went out, I sent off an email to the client with a proposal for the re-design of the quarterly magazine (feeling ridiculously smug because I'd met my self-imposed deadline). Then I walked up to Beaumont hospital and settled down to wait for my number to be called. Actually, it all went really quickly, made all the better by the fact that today's nurse would win a gold medal if there was a contest for best blood-sample-taker.

This Irish Cancer Society display caught my eye in the hospital lobby as I left. Back home I went straight back to bed for a while, to make up for having worked through until after 5:00 am, and the rest of the day was spent equally lazily.

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