A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

7. Blip

One day, hopefully very soon, Anna will be in charge of this family and all will be well. In the meantime we have to make do with her helping hand of list writing to keep us on track.

Can't think why she forgot blip but the rest of this is my list for tomorrow to get us ready to leave at tea-time for our long, lazy holiday in the sun.

#4 is picking up a parcel which is being left for us at a hotel reception but has been reduced to hotel as apparently the rest is too hard to write and as it is the only thing we are doing at the hotel we will remember that.

#5 is packing not pacing. Though there may well be some of that too.

#6 is actually collect dry cleaning but it was deemed easier to write dertty (dirty) shirt.

We'd be lost without her.

Actually I should take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to the kids who have let me get loads of work done today, almost including all the stuff I need to prepare for the accountant so I don't fall at #1 tomorrow. They have played together and separately, watched telly, played on the wii, read books, prepared food and generally been all round self sufficient. And jolly nice it's been to have them around. Could almost be tempted not to send them back to school.

Anyway, have more than outstayed my non-allotted time here so must go and, you know, do stuff. Anna...

Lesley x

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