Management Committee

The Management Committee's methods are catching.

- We need a new sign
- Where?
- On the that box where the radio transmitters are operating
- Why?
- To let people know that they should take care near the box because there are radio transmitters operating
- Why? Are radio transmitters dangerous?
- Not really, but people need to exercise caution when they're in the vicinity.
- But, if they're not dangerous, then why do people need to exercise caution?
- Well, its just common sense. We can't have people just doing anything they like around radio transmitters. You never know what might happen.
- Quite. I have no idea what might happen.
- Oh, and another thing.
- Yes?
- We need to make sure people obey the sign.
- Well, presumably if we put up a sign saying that people need to exercise caution in the vicinity of the radio transmitters, then that, surely, will be enough to let them know that they need to exercise caution in the vicinity of the radio transmitters.
- Not necessarily. The sign needs to let people know that they need to obey the sign. And any other signs we might decide to put up there in the future. And, also, there needs to be a telephone number for people to call in case they're having any difficulty in either exercising caution in the vicinity of the radio transmitters, or if they feel that they might not be able to obey the sign.

You think I'm making this up. I'm not. How else did this sign come about?

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