Lemmys Space

By Lemmy

A GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!!!

Was had by all!!!!!!!!!
We had such a laugh mainly from
the young folk.
They are sooo bliddy funny, and quick
witted, a few times I had to think what
they had said, must be me age lol.
Some very funny cards from the grand
kids too.
Here are a couple.
Tommy Cooper on one, saying
" I'm on a whiskey diet"
"I've lost three days already" it made Mr
L laugh, most of you are probally too
young to remember him.
Another, two old men sitting on a
"I used to have long hair take acid and
go to hip joints".

"Now I long for hair, take antacid and
need a hip joint"
Two meercats standing sniffing the
air.. inside the card it says..
"DO I smell Old people!!!!
These were just a few, and I might
add from our grand children LOL
Do you see that lonely piece of
choccy cake, well Mr L said I can
have it, isnt he nice!!!!
Guess what it's sunny again and
it's FRIDAY Yea
Happy Friday lovely blippers.

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