Dolly's Day

By dollydoug

Poor Cookie - where is your tail??

This is Cookie who belongs to one of my neighbours across the street. He is a regular visitor to my house. He comes in through the cat flap, mooches around my house, eats my cat Bobby's food - but I don't really mind as he is a friendly little cat.

However I hadn't seen him for a few days and vaguely wondered why. Maybe his owners were on holiday and he was in a cattery? Or maybe the bad weather was keeping him indoors in his own house.?

Anyway he turned up this morning at 8.30am ... with no tail. Poor little soul - what has happened to you? He seemed as bold and friendly as ever. He went into every room in the house, ate Bobby's food, played with Bobby's toys and had a little play fight with Bobby as usual.

I intend to pop round to see his owners later on to find out what happened to the little chap.

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