Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack


Today saw me playing my first ever round of disc golf, a game completely alien to an Englishman but both popular and widespread in The States and Canada.

To give you an idea of what it's all about, imagine a golf course that goes through a wood, forest or park. The golf club and ball are replaced instead by a frisbee-like disc that you throw. Instead of holes the aim is to land the disc in a metal basket on a post. Loose chains above the basket help in that if you hit the chains with your throw, the disc should drop into the basket.
Other than that, the rules are identical to regular golf, each 'hole' has a par, and for those with the skills to bother (so not me), there are even different discs for different tasks, just like with golf clubs.

It was a hell of a lot of fun, like a nice hike with some sport thrown in. Hopefully we can get a few more rounds in before we leave.

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