Views of my world

By rosamund


Sometimes I have so many projects on the go that I get nothing done. It's a bit like that just now as you can see from these 5 unfinished objects which are accompanied by some fibre I've not finished spinning and the tartan I've still to finish weaving. I like having a sense of completion but right now everything seems a long way from the end and since I go back to work on Monday I'll have even less time to indulge my passion for yarn.

I'm having one final fling tomorrow with some of the girls from the guild (Clyde coast guild of weavers, spinners and dyers that is), as we go to the WSD summer school open day in Edinburgh. Should be a grand day out with lots of inspiration, main aim is to network with the other guilds, ours is the first new one in more than 20 years. There will be suppliers there too but with so much on the go and a wish list as long as my arm at once a sheep I must not buy anything.

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