West Sands, St Andrews

It seemed wherever we went today we were leaving the sun and heading to the clouds. In for dog training this morning. Oscar excelled himself in a busy session. No grumping at all and he did the assualt course including the seesaw!

The afternoon was spent in St Andrews, picking up young master Jake's mended specs and food shoppng. Then down to the beach with the dogs for a wander. It was warm and windy but a rain shower was never far away :)

Eyesight still fuzzy, no pain - no clarity and I do hope this clears soon. Very different to the instant fix of lasik.

Time for a wee relax with a cava I think and an early night for the peeprrs

Apols for the lack of commenting = I will get back to it next week when I hope I can see and appreciate your blips again!!!

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