supreme mediocrity

By QuiteTheImpasse

Ashes to Ashes.

Today I chose to use my great-grandmother's urn as my picture. It may seem morbid, but let me explain.

She ran away from Ireland with a man who promised her everything. After she had two kids he left her. She raised the boys during the worst of the Depression, but made it through.

When my great-grandfather died, she came to his funeral, only to throw that ring, pictured above, in his face and spit on him for all he put her through.

This isn't really doing her justice, but it's the simplest way I can put it. She was such a strong woman, and I wish I could have met her at an age where it would have meant more to me. She is always in my thoughts.

Love you, Great-Grandma Collier.
Today's song is "Crazy for You," by Adele. I feel like the lyrics may have been something that passed through her mind when she first decided to run away.
Today was a good day. I don't know why, but it was just a good day.
*This was supposed to have been posted on the 13th, however it did not go through the first time and needed to be re-typed, due to my extreme procrastination.

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