
By Chiara

Bachelor's Grove

As soon as this bumper sticker caught my eye, I was prepared to roll my eyes and silently complain to myself about how people should keep their religious views to themselves... until I looked closer and saw what the bumper sticker really said:

God Bless Everyone
(no exceptions)

No way. No way! I had to resist the urge to jump out of my car, run over to the car, and shake the driver's hand for being such a genuinely kind person! If more people had that attitude, the world would be a much better place. This person (or family) really understands what religion is all about -- that god loves and accepts everyone in the world, regardless of race, disability, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation. If I had a dime for every person I've met who claimed to have a relationship with god, yet still proceeded to commit a bunch of sins (drugs, drinking, lying, to name a few) and expressed hatred towards a certain group of people or two, I would be living in a mansion right now. Too many hypocrites full of hate and intolerance act holier than thou just because they visit church every Sunday. These people give religion a bad name, so it's nice to know that some parishioners are actually good people.

Major kudos to this person for helping restore my faith in humanity (only by a little bit)!

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