world outside your window

By thewanderlust


a wonderful weekend in Pennan. the last weekend with the ladies for i don't know how long, but we have many laughs, cringes and great memories to keep.

last picture of Pennan which i snapped before leaving today.

there were a few comments about the village's location yesterday. no, no earthquakes. not aware of any floods. but the village did succumb to major landslides from the cliffs behind the houses in 2007. there weren't any injuries, but it did require some rebuilding; including a new village hall and among others - half of my friend's cottage was in fact rebuilt. work to prevent this happening again was carried out in 2009 so fingers crossed, the village is in a safer state now.

it's a wonderful wee place and a super retreat. i love when two days away feels like so much longer. a beautiful location; great company and no phone signal. very weary now. who knew eating, drinking and chatting could be so tiring!! xx

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