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Edinburgh traffic jam

Today we headed east to Edinburgh on what turned out to be a gorgeous day. First stop was Edinburgh Zoo to see an interesting installation for the BBC programme Afterlife. It's a big sealed glass box with a kitchen and garden inside. Everything in it is being left to decay, with some disgusting but also some interesting results. Well worth a look if you're at the Zoo. Also spent a lot of time watching the antics of the chimps and marvelling at their similarity to us (some more than others :) )
After this we headed to the Foodies Festival in Holyrood Park. Had free tickets and wouldn't have paid to go but it was a nice place for a cider and hog roast roll. On the way there, walking down the Royal Mile we saw an amusing traffic jam comprised almost entirely of open top tour buses! This blip didn't capture it as well as I'd hoped but think you get the idea.
Finally we caught a free comedy show at the Fringe before walking back to the car and returning to Glasgow.

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