walking in the city

By inthecity

Sunday lunch

Mom's husband G and his lovely daughter C.

Mom and G picked me up at the station in Oshawa* and drove us up Simcoe Street to Wally's World (that's right, and a fine dining establishment it was). G's daughter (pictured) lives nearby too and met us there.

Four of us sharing a snug booth in the front window. It was a nice change from our usual. Every few months they drive in to town and we all pile out for greek food. Then it's back to mine for coffee, on the way scooping up the BEST homemade baklava on the entire strip. (No kidding, they make it and bake it right in the window. I bring baklava to every freaken party and potluck, fer sure.) I at least nodded to that tradition today by ordering the greek omelet. Exactly like Wally's World's regular omelet, except with feta instead of mushrooms. Mom paid. (heart).

*I went primarily to complete my mission. My friend has to relocate pronto to take a new job at UOiT. She's still in Montreal and saw a listing for a supersweet bungalow. (Maybe five listings total in the entire Durham area all month. Three of those are basements). I'm the closest person she knows who can go check the place out for real, and can I go Sunday afternoon? Of course, what a hoot. So, I toured the joint. It's bit shabby but really good space. I can totally see her living and working very well in there. Front and back yards for her doggie. Lots of light, a really big kitchen, huge empty floorspace. In my head, I've already turned it into a studio.

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