My Fair Lady

By annh

A Couple Of Buds

My camera finally gave up the ghost a couple of weeks ago. I would've thought I'd have sorted out a new one by now but indecision reigns. Whenever I think I've made up my mind an extra piece of information comes my way which throws my plans. I've always been a Canon fan so that seemed a sensible place to start. The SX30 made me smile but the reviews were not altogether complimentary. The S95 didn't make me smile but I could stick it in my pocket. As you can see I'm not approaching this with any great technical acumen. Maybe an entry-level DSLR but I think that's a little out of my league. Am sitting on Plan D at the moment - waiting for further inspiration and borrowing if and when I can.

"Indecision may or may not be my problem."
Jimmy Buffett

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