Craig Brown Photography



Spent today over in Edinburgh with Lorraine with the goal of doing 2 Fringe "things" and what a great day we had :)

Firstly down to Parliament to see the world press photo exhibition! Some stunning work as always, My personal favorite (albeit its really not a suitable word for such an image was THIS Such a thought provoking, powerful and ultimately sad photo!
Also "loved" this image here Such a powerful political image... the look across from Kim Jong Ill to his son, looking out so defiantly, i just love the image!

Anywhooo- After the exhibition it was off to George square to see, well rather, experience Mirazozo, a giant tent like cathedral of light! all natural and amazing so the sense of sight! Its so hard to describe, the light at first over powers your eyes and you loose all sence of depth and scale, lots of pods are dotted around a couple of large chambers for you to relax in... and that is where todays blip is taken from! A must visit for anyone wanting to see something totally different at this years fringe!!


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