Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Garden Day

I meant to nip out today, but caught up in all sorts of outdoor jobs including: washing the car, cutting/raking the lawn, cleaning the pond filter, cementing broken patio stones back in, treating the sandpit and endless laundry. It was nice and sunny which made it good, and Hollow Jnr Snr helped all day which made it great.

I cut down the poppies in the front a week ago as they were in that stage where the heads weren't ready, but the leaves were unsightly. They have dried up now, so I grabbed a handful and scattered the seeds over the bed - gonna have a TON of them next year.

Poppy heads are beautiful - just a quick Blip as I was so busy, I think I might revisit them in a few days and get some cracking shots.

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