simple moments

By simplemoments


as a butterfly - part II...

as i stated yesterday, these metal butterfly sculptures have been created as a community service iniative called "butterflies and friends" by a local rotary club... to promote the arts in schools for children. funds will be raised through an auction in september - then used to provide community-building arts programs in schools that are facing major transitions and changes... such a cool thing as we face economic challenges these days - and so kids know they are valued... cared about by their community... have the arts instilled in them creatively via school programs...

in this case - claire (created by janet sellers) was an easy choice... she was the perfect model - doing as i requested... posing perfectly. i was able to practice as though she were an actual stranger and i was shooting a portrait... did it work? might it make it a little less challenging for me to approach a real person the next time i desire to take a picture? i doubt it... i believe i will continue to be nervous - walk the other way - chicken out, as the case may be...

but for today... my model was compliant, easy going, one-of-a-kind...

that made it a

happy day.....

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