The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters

Les restes de nourriture du barbecue d'hier

First day back at work after the holiday and I can confirm that I hate being back. 188 e-mails to go through, 64 of which have been flagged for some further attention tomorrow. I only came across one e-mail inviting me to an urgent meeting today that finished around the time I read ther e-mail and I never understand why people seem to think that their e-mail message is the only one that you will have waiting for you when you return from leave. Still, not really too bad for two weeks away.

Problem was that it was all work and no play so there were no reasonable blip opportunities; I travelled to work, worked all day and travelled home and was more keen to get home than search out blip opportunities.

We started to revisit the lounge redecoration project which was on pause for a variety of reasons but, as the carpet is now ready to be fitted and it will be no time at all until we get a call re the new sofa, we thought we better get a shift on. The process was slightly delayed by the need to remove a dead mouse that I found in the garage in the way of the decorating equipment. I suspect it probably died from choking on the foam from the little rollers that appear to have been shredded.

You live by the sword, you die by the sword.

Anyway, any French speaking visitors to this page will realise that this is a translation from the English, "Leftover food from yesterday's barbecue" but being food it sounded better in French. It was the only photograph I have taken today and then it was only because it was nice and colourful. I honestly thought that my eyes were much bigger than my belly but it transpired that they were not and I enjoyed every last morsel.

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