Get Carter

Sunday was one of those days where I got a crisis of confidence, I'm not going to go into why it kicked in but I was sat in the flat questioning if my photos were really any good and whether my rightful place was in the world of hum drum office life.

Monday threw me back into the world that I enjoy. Within an hour I had done two photo-shoots, the first was this one which is a production of the famous film celebrating it's 40th anniversary this year, Get Carter, with posturing cockney characters sitting in the Carters Bar, a place ideally suited to the 60's gangs. The following hour I was photographing a green dragon and his levitating dog, Mr Piffles for a feature in Three Weeks.

When I got home, I received an e-mail from Camille O'Sullivan and her management asking if they could use my photos from the Pleasance Launch over a week ago for her own press shots! I love Camille, she is one of the characters that makes the Edinburgh Fringe and it really means something to me for her to ask to use my photos - not only that she has asked if I can photograph another one of her shows and hopefully I can add to the shots I got 10 days ago.

I feel back and buoyant and really looking forward to the next few days. Lots of shoots are coming in and I am starting to pull together into some form of semblance my Fashion Nudes project (although it is migrating to be called Real Life Mannequin).

And now bed, it's nearly 2am and there is a mid-day shoot to prepare for...

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