Mummy, chase!

21months 26 days

Hello all! It's been a busy couple of days for us, unexpected stay away for 2 nights, but I've caught up and the blips start here!

We got up this morning and she had a nice play with Granny, Grandad and Uncle Simon all together, playing with her whilst we had breakfast and got sorted for off. We drove home and she slept the whole way home. We got ourselves sorted and our friend Vicki came to pick us up for a trip out.

We drove to the city and went to our favourite big park. Katie was really excited as there were donkeys there. For rides, but she just wanted to stroke them. She also stroked about 6 dogs just on the walk to the swings. She spent ages on the swings and kept running back to them. We then found a feature we'd not seen before - musical sculptures. Metal sculptures on rocks that are also instruments - chimes, glockenspiels, chimes. She loved them! We fed the geese - she had about 25 around her at one point.

We then went to see all the animals. She's learnt to say peacock, parrot, parakeet and llama today! She refuses to call chickens anything other than cockadoodles though (but its very sweet!). She wasnt at all sure what to make of the parrots that actually said hello back to her! She had a bit of a picnic in the enclosed aviary, with some exotic looking peacocks (fancier than normal!) who she wanted to feed with raisins. She insisted on a game of chase with me, not that I complain. Although she's getting extremely fast!

After the park, we went to a cafe and had some food. She had a proper kids meal, but rejected her juice box, preferring to drink the little individual cartons of milk meant for my coffee. She was excited to get a free ice lolly after her food, and then played "shoes on shoes off" for quite a while under the table!

As we pulled into our street she got extremely excited, listing all the friends she was going to go in and find, and is now playing with each one in turn. Another lovely day.

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