Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Little people

I went to the river today for my afternoon walk but it was a bit boring because there was hardly any water in the river. We've never seen it so low. So all I could do was paddle and wallow in it. It wasn't deep enough for me to swim.

I was starting to feel a bit fed up when I met two little people - two boys who were about 2 & 5 years old. They gave me lots of cuddles and asked Ann what I was called. Then they kept saying, 'run Molly run!' Well, I was much speedier than them so I had to pretend to run fast when really I was running slow so they could catch me. The whole idea of their game was to chase me and then when they caught me I got cuddles.

Ann & I both thought they were really sweet and I would have liked to have been blipped with them. But do you know what? ............................ they had a cross mummy with them. She kept yelling at the little people to leave me alone, even though Ann had said it was OK for them to play with me. Ann told the cross mummy that I was very good with little people. However the cross mummy didn't seem to want to walk as far as we were going and the little people were getting stroppy because they couldn't come on the whole of my walk.

I like little people. When Ann first adopted me I wasn't allowed to go to live with anyone who had kids under 10 years old because it wasn't known how I'd react to them. Ann is convinced I spent the first few months of my life with little people because I am just so gentle and tolerant around them.

However, just to reassure everyone re health and safety ...................... Ann would never, ever leave me alone with little people.

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