In Between Days

By jase


Our kids were not there when we got home. The house had been overtaken by two pirates and the kitchen had been turned into the Pirate Cafe! They were quite friendly pirates who insisted we have dinner in their fine eatery. The larger pirate made sandwiches to order whilst the smaller one turned into some sort of pet cheetah which scampered around the kitchen. The food was quite tasty actually. Disappointed at the lack of grog on the menu and had to make do with smoothie but we can't complain (Ok we daren't for fear of being made to walk the plank!).

Now I found a Pirate Translator and passed the above through. Much better I think -

Our sprogs were not thar when we got home. T' house had been overtaken by two pirates and t' kitchen had been turned into t' Pirate Cafe! They were quite buckoly pirates who insisted we have what crawled out o' t' bung hole in their fine eatery.


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