Live for Today


Everything at Your Fingertips

It was a pretty laid back day today. I worked from home this morning. This afternoon I got stood up by Tree for some shopping. Apparently a 3 hour nap sounded better to her! I ran errands around town instead and then came home and did the most addicting thing ever....internet shopping. I go in cycles where I am obsessed with shopping online. I've already made several purchases within the last couple days, so hopefully this run doesn't go on for too long! Today's purchase, however, was a new compact camera. My current camera worked fine, just needed an upgrade. The hubs of course doesn't understand why I would have to get a new one if the old one still worked. If it were up to him I would use the same one for 15 years. Alas, I won out and can't wait for the purchase to come. I'll fill you in on camera details when it comes.

After my shopping spree, I cooked up some delicious Mexican food and then spent the evening outdoors working on the endless fence project. I hadn't shot a blip yet, so quick grabbed my camera as we were wrapping up for the evening and took a few blips in our driveway. The sun was getting pretty low, so many of the pictures were turning out dark. This one I enjoyed because I liked the warmness of the sun behind the shrub in our front yard.

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