my corner of the world

By Vic

The wedding -Day 6

Wow! What a fabulous day. They were married beneath the tower in the open air among the trees. A really beautiful setting for our great friends to be married in. It started at her house where the groom arrives and the father hands his daughter over to the groom! Towards the end of the ceremony they toast the couple and everyone goes up and congratulates them. The historical tower was shut to the public for the hour but it was quite surreal when they walked to the car and there were people re-enacting cavemen days for the tourists! Not many weddings have that.
During the photos it was very funny when a Carnival went past while all the Czech side were having their photos taken. Typical English abandoned the wedding and went to watch the carnival.
At the reception, before they enter, a speech is said and a plate is broken! They then have to sweep and collect all the pieces up together before they can enter. It is a sign of good luck. Another toast! The groom then carries the bride over the threshold. During the meal which included wild boar that the father had caught and prepared, the couple have a big cloth tied around them and they have to feed each other soup. This was very amusing as the bride cooled his mouthfuls down but the groom fed her boiling hot ones! More toasts and some speeches (very lovely and emotional).
After sooooo much food and hundreds of courses we danced the night away to a live band. Even did a Czech Conga and the Birdie dance ?very funny! Fabulous day. Was wonderful to be a part of both families to celebrate their special day.

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