just allan

By allan

Tourist Trap

I walked up Calton Hill this morning to clear my head and enjoy the clear morning. The hardier and less hung over of the tourists were up there too - mostly Japanese funnily enough. These girls were posing in front of the folly on Calton Hill. I made a right tit of myself by offering to take a picture on their camera, then failing completely to understand how to use the zoom. They weren't very impressed.

Then off to work, supposedly technical meetings which consisted entirely of listing names of people supposedly doing various technical things, followed by a fair few boxes and arrows. And then...

I printed out my whole thesis for the first time (and I noticed that I've suddenly started calling it a thesis. It's been a dissertation up to now. 3 years. I prefer thesis.) and crivvens! It's quite big. I proof-read chunks of it on the bus and remembered that it's not finished - but now I now what's not finished. Onwards!

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