It is painfully obvious I never learn

Last thing I said to Madame last night before going to bed was something along the lines of 'Doesn't numberoneson sleep well in general'. I think you can probably see where this went.

So it went something along the lines of the wee man woke up at 12:30am and didn't get back to sleep for another two and a half hours. At least this sort of incident only happens pretty rarely. It was like a very bad scene from an otherwise probably hilarious film, I felt I played the role of tired but witty father to perfection.

So we were in a very sleepy mode for the return to school this morning. The major preparation this morning was in the shape of eldest's hair.

The return to school went well, the return after school for children into the fold of their group of friends also went well.

It rained, again, but it was a great day.


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