While on my runs

By waipushrink

Sunrise from Grafton Bridge

Up and out as per usual this morning, this time heading for Auckland Domain. To get there I cross the Grafton Bridge, and as I reached the western end of the bridge the sun was just fully above the horizon. Too bright for a completely direct shot, and hence I took this through the trees to the northern side of the bridge. The trees are in the old Grafton Cemetery, a large part of which was taken out when the motorway was put through under the bridge.

I also liked a photo I got of the Big Bird in the domain, this time being struck by golden light from the sun. However, S preferred this one for the effects of the sun through the various curved branches and tangles of trunks and branches.

I have slightly altered the exposure, so as to bring out the undergrowth a bit more, and also to emphasise the rays spreading out from the golden orb of the sun.

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