Jet Set Go!

Nothing was going to stop me getting to the Royal Mile and blipping today, not the rain, nor having to be out at the Gyle for an 8am meeting, nor the aching foot that was painful to walk on!

Had a lovely, if slow and sore wander up at lunchtime and was really spoilt for choice on what to post this evening (thankfully flickr means they dont go to waste!) but settled on this one. Her fellow performer threw me off guard when he said "come see the show and see her naked". She (forgot to ask her name) just glared at him and then re-posed.

Later on i bumped into Silverback and Tonto out on their blipwander. First time i've bumped into fellow blippers on the High Street during the festival. What will we do when the circus has left town and things go back to normal?

Show is called Jet Set Go (venue 9) on until 27th Aug.


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