Me, myself & I

By AlisonMM

Spicy Apple Muffins

It's a pity this isn't smellovision!

There's only two of us in our room at work tomorrow instead of the usual four so as a special Friday elevenses treat for me and Patsy I've made spicy apple muffins using one of the apples I was given last week. I might save one for Sandy, then again I might not!

Rubbishy sort of day at work. I got very fed up this afternoon: I had a day off yesterday and although most of my work was covered I still had a bit of catching up to do. Managed to get behind again at lunch time because, shock horror, I took an hour's lunch break! I also feel under-appreciated by my bosses at the moment.

Not the best of times to make a career move and I know I should be grateful I have a good well-paid job but sometimes there seems to be no let up.

Rant over: hopefully the muffins will make us feel better tomorrow and its nearly the weekend!

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