investigations of a dag

By kasty

Am sure it's him

If you know henderson's in edinburgh you'll know this 70's mural. I think it depicts some of the staff and patrons in princess st garden. I swear the head flusterer at the till is the guy in the maroon suit many moons ago.

Really can't explain why I like Henderson's so much. Food can be plain and stodgey, service flustered and surroundings a wee bit shambolic... but it's healthy (much needed), fairly priced, tasty and little fuss. Well maybe a little.. everyone gawking at the rubix cube menu options can be a pain. But somehow I love it. No fake fawning over, just veg food and a seat. Not alone in this, caught a glimpse of ruby wax there this evening. My mates are so sick of meeting up there but it's the perfect place for me, mum and Louise to talk global politics (the emergence of China) before catching a show at st George's west called "leo" -1 man, 3 walls and no end to the imaginative acrobatic mime tricks. Kinda show that makes u want to run home and try it.. if I was less loaded up on brown rice....

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