wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg


The world needs a smell-o-phone. Something to record the beauty of the seasons in more than 2D. Some way of sharing the smell of the warm earth in the last days of winter, as the grass weaves through the roots, worms and pebbles to emerge into the glowing sunshine. Some means to send the breeze of blossoms, eucalyptus, and damp soil to those descending into the gloom of winter. A device to record the memory of mild air when every breath seems to be made of ice. Every part of the world is nattering, the birds as they preen, pluck and prepare for spring, the flowers as they stretch out long petals. As I lay my head on the ground I heard the unseen world creaking and clacking as ants scurried and worms squirmed.

Days like this aren't made for study or work. Days like this are for sitting and just appreciating.

But it's also a sad day for Australian news with the loss of three fine ABC newsmen in a helicopter crash last night. I hope they find the answers quickly, and pray that their families might find some comfort in the respect and care the (ABC watching members of the) nation had for the three men. It's certainly a sad day. Beautiful but sad.

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