Tales from a Digital Guy

By digitalface

It went off in my hand

Well today i thought i'd nip to the Cathedral area again (as it's very local to me) and take some random shots. a-la lomo style....which is basically holding a small camera in your hand and pressing the shutter release without composing the shot...for this i thought i'd give the little Canon a go...Funny enough, todays picture happened when i accidentally pressed the shutter as i was sitting down...The pretty little woman on the right devoured what seemed to be a foot long sandwich in about 5 mins..i was impressed.

I quite like this style of photography, but it does make me yearn for a small camera with a viewfinder, g15 or p7000 i think..hmm maybe when i have a spare £350- £450 to chcuk at one i might get one.....translated = never :)

Happy Friday !

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