
By Appreciate

A double whammy!

Two big events today. It is my 100th blip (coo). Thank you for all your encouragement, comments, good wishes and fun. Thank you to the BlipBoffins who make all this possible. Very much appreciated.

I had wanted a warm day at the beach for this shot - but it's very cold, windy and showery - so a soft beach towel had to do instead!

Today my great mate travels to Fiji for a whole year. She and I met 5 years ago and have had lots of fun since then. I will really miss her laugher, her fun, her encouragement, her inspiration, her philosophising, her silly accents, her bird sounds, her colourfulness, her family, her very special company and her love and hugs.

I chose exotic shells which I have for mosaics and craft projects because where she is going I imagine there will be many exotic shells like these... and because she is really rather exotic too.

My parting gift to her was a BlipMembership - once she gets settled I want to share her thoughts and places she goes every day. I couldn't think of a better leaving pressie!

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