Live for Today


Storming Again

Yet another stormy day. This summer has been extra rainy. I worked from home today, originally planning to go into work, but had too many chores at home to do. So work from home it is, while primarily doing laundry.

Spent a little time this afternoon playing with photos and trying different techniques. This picture is the product of me messing with a few different programs. Not perfect by any means, but a start.

My sister and brother-in-law (and their dog) are coming into town tonight and spending the weekend with us. Should be a good time. My parents informed me that they are also coming to visit on Saturday morning, so we will have a house full of people and animals this weekend! They plan on spending the day tomorrow working on the fence, so hopefully we can get a large chunk of it done.

Our county fair is currently going on, so at some point I hope to make it over there to wander around a little bit. I have to go sit work's booth for a few hours tonight and tomorrow night. I always wanted to go take pictures of the rides and I am hoping that this year I'll get a chance.

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