Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Summer picnic UCLA to mark the end of the summer term. What a fantastic year we have shared at this amazing place. Can't thank the teachers and parents enough. Watching the kids flourish and graduate is always a tremendous triumph. Truly my second home. To have experienced such a cooperative school setting where the parents are involved from Parent & Me, through Circle Time, discussing the highs and lows in the Observation Room, through lunchtime and Closing Circle Time. A tremendous experience and here's to returning in September for Callum's closing few weeks before he graduates. And that will mark our 3 years here with Reuben then Callum coming to an end.

I cannot imagine a pre-preschool environment, 18-36m where I wasn't able to observe every moment of class if I wanted to, or walk away for a few minutes stroll down into Westwood Village with the other mums if I needed a break. That's surely a great privilege that is very rare. And in the 3 years in which we've been at the school, I've seen barely any change in personnel. The commitment is unparalleled. I keep thinking of ways to extend our stay, but that's part of growing up that I cannot stop. I can't remember life before UCLA.

We've made some good friends through shared experiences and shared tears. The intensity of life at this stage of toddlerdom where early intervention is so paramount to the child's future - laying sound foundations, social skills, physical and occupational tasks which strengthen core muscles and help develop connections within the brain - has been softened by such a loving and supportive framework in a stunning setting. There were many emotions shared this week especially as two children had their individual graduation ceremonies marking their 3rd birthdays.

So glad I managed to capture a huge group portrait of the kids and parents out in the playground thanks to diffused light, the school's tripod, willing parents and teachers and a mad dash by me.

In this image, I am especially touched by Reuben's loving hand on my shoulder.

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