Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

Meet the Author

This afternoon, whilst casually browsing in a bookstore, Claire and I were ambushed by an Author.

We were lured to a corner of the store where the wonderous plot of the story was revealed to us and a marvellous display of illustrations all his own work pointed out to us and a glowing list of reviews.

Claire was very taken with the whole experience and hypnotically handed over the book voucher she had been given for her birthday, in exchange for a signed copy of his book.

So I whipped out my camera and demanded that I take a photo of this momentus occasion.

Oh, I'm a photographer explains the smart ass talented Author.

Well then, you'll be familiar with Blipfoto said I. No?

Well it's about time you were.

His name is Alan Gilliland and the book is called The amazing adventures of Curd the Lion and the Land at the Back of Beyond.

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