Blue Planet Photography

By blueplanetphoto


For angling-rod he took a sturdy oake; 1
For line, a cable that in storm ne'er broke;
His hooke was such as heads the end of pole
To pluck down house ere fire consumes it whole;
The hook was baited with a dragon's tale,
And then on rock he stood to bob for whale.

--Sir William Davenant, Britannia Triumphans. Page 15. 1637

Canyon County Historical Museum, rail-based crane and cable mechanism on display. Was out all day photographing then taught a class in the evening and went to bed when I got home. During the class we were sitting on the edge of the river in the park when a very loud, sharp explosion, like an M-80 firecracker went off. Some guys had been floating by in a raft and I assumed it was them, throwing out M-80s. My student pointed behind me and said "It just blew up". I looked back and saw a power pole with a transformer and the wire was dangling loose and the fuzzy tail of a squirrel laid across the top of the transformer. About 15 minutes later, a "thump" announced the squirrel's body hitting the ground. I guess you could say the squirrel got "Cabled".

As it got dark, a skunk wandered up along the riverbank and checked us out.

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