Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Take your dog to work day

Cabin fever really got the better of me today, so I was determined to go out, even though it would mean taxi fares.

I called Ian and arranged lunch in town.

The Dover Street Market in Mayfair, where Ken (in the picture) works has a dog friendly a cafe on the 5th floor. As Suki (the dog), is also a babe magnet, lunch was entertaining.

It turned out that not only did the Japanese Spitz accompany Ken on the shop floor fairly frequently, but also put in an appearance at Hermes in Bond Street as well.

Whereas the highlight of Suki's day was being fussed over by pretty shop assistants in expensive shops, mine was definitely been escorted down the stairs by an attractive male Barrista in a Brazilian cafe on South Molton Street.

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