match vectors

After stopping to direct some tourists (checking online mapping services as I knew the vague location but could save them a few minutes of experimentation by being precise) and being slowed slightly by Edgar in the macpacbackpack I didn't get to the station before the parents' arrival but had them wait there a few minutes until we arrived, swiftly giving up on the idea of getting a coffee anywhere within or near the station and heading back out to get the bus back to the house, arriving shortly after I would have arrived had I walked straight back, albeit not when I would have arrived had I been having to wheel a suitcase on silly little wheels as well. Edgar waved upon seeing them but was then a little bit reticent and silent, though perked up after we got home. He'd been keen enough to wave and babble at them through Skype last weekend but was perhaps just slightly perturbed by the busyness of the point of meeting.

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