
By Mimthing


Up bright and early this morning to give my friend -Em- a lift to work, nearly took a wrong slot at this corner!
Dropped Em and MJ off and re-traced my wheels back to said corner and took the dags for a walk, I could hear quite a lot of crashing about in the undergrowth but could see nothing.....enter stage right, Mr Badger crossing the track ahead of us.
Big WOW moment.

Walked some more and listened to the birds waking up -must read The Little Grey Men by B.B. it has the answers- picked up on a few fox scents across the lane, said good morning to some random running man and went back to the car.

Heard an unfamiliour sound...turned out to be the Woodpecker.
I hung around for ages trying to get a photo of him/her, this is the best I could do.

His/her mate turned up and I did get a photo of both of them on the same branch....totally out of focus.......but I know what they are!

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